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30th Sept contd

storage drum drive.

New winch allotted Delahaye 10527.

Went to Nos 9 and 47 Sections also 11th Coy in morning.

Silverstone called and said Col Collier objected to another dump. Recommended Ypres district and found suitable dump position called Pocklington Siding.

Saw Chatwood and obtained his consent also Wright of R E’s.

BMS 118 (No13 Sectn) hit by bomb splinters at night. Damage repaired.

1st October 1917

Fine sunny day. Poor view. 15 targets done in afternoon.

Visited Nos 2 and 25 Sections. Examined No 2 balloon BMS 72 and found it was leaking slightly, but its lift was still good. It went to 5000 ft today with 2 observers.

Went to St Eloc with Meyler and selected positions for night lights for No 25 Section.

Winch 10527 arrived at 7th Coy.

15 targets done.

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