Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones
24 MON. Easter Monday. Beautiful day. Fresh wind SW. Went up to 1500ft to take wind and inspect view. Took Howard up, rather gusty. Howard sick and a bit green but said he enjoyed it. Up from to . Balloon up all day. Bosh machine shot down at Plorgstreet. Jensen came in afternoon.
25 TUES. Fine sunny day. Wind E very light wind. Went up from to . Intended taking artillery officers up, but cable badly kinked when I got down. 40ft cut off. I was at 3200ft, very misty poor view. Saw one flash. Longcroft and Genl. Humphries visited Sectn. Heard Nightingale in wood. Orderly Officer.
26 WED. Hot sunny day. I went up to test new cable splice and defective rigging from to . No view. Let up in ballast. Ranged for 12in Howits (18th Signals) in afternoon. Gavin and I went up from 1.50 to 3pm. Observed 9 rounds. Black smoke from bursts most 200ft in air like water spout.
27 THUR. Fine sunny day not much wind. Very misty. E. Went up in evening. I with Capt Lacon, M.T. for ½ an hr. Very misty Wind 19 miles. Just see trench line. Started to shift telephone lorry. Lacon and Barnley got it stuck in mud and left it. Very hot day.
28 FRI. Another Summer’s day. Fresh wind E in morning. Buchanan up misty and no view. I went up in afternoon. Wind 26 miles ph. Gusts to about 40. Very rough. Gregg and Mcneece came along. Mcneece relieved me after an hr. Had a long yarn with Gregg and Daniels. G is at Dunkirk. Gavin and Genl Fielding up in evening. Gavin up alone later. Very windy registered 39 miles hr on anemometer. Sail and rigging carried away.
29 SAT. Very windy morning. Ground wind 16 miles ph. E. Balloon baggd. Shifted telephone lorry out of wood. Anxiously awaiting news of Brenda. Sleeping badly, very deaf. Inoculated by Dr McMotrie. Felt very faint immediately arm began to hurt after about an hr. Went to bed 9.30pm. Very feverish. Did not sleep at all. Very heavy bombardment at 1.30 to 3.30am Hun machine bombed Pop 3.30am. Bosch machine over camp 4.30am. No ballooning.
30 SUN. Low Sunday. Feeling awfully bad. Cod not get up till 2.30. Nearly fainted 3 times while dressing. Took 2 hrs to dress. Arm very stiff and awfully painful. No appetite. Beautiful fine day. Rather hazy. Nelson up in balloon for few minutes in mng. No view. Gavin up in afternoon. Target registered. Buchanan had very rough trip down. Sail... and tail parachute carried away. Feeling better towards evening.