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3 March (cont)

Took indents to 2nd AAP.

Informed that word "urgent" would no longer be used on Indents.

4 March 1917

Bright sunny day. Rather misty. No ballooning.

Met Stringer at No32 and inspected their new balloon bed. Supplied them with a further 900ft of cable for windscreen post supports.

Visited No 25 and inspected their new road and proposed balloon bed.

Suggested Highman should get specification for fascines and pit props required for new road.

Told Stringer of search light to be collected tomorrow from 2nd AAP and arranged that he sent Mason to collect it.

Inspected cable on No 25’s winch.

Arranged that it should be unwound and put on another drum for inspection.


5 March 1917

Snow in morning. Misty in afternoon. No ballooning.

Attended Court Martial at 6th Coy HQ of Corpl Hardaker and 2AM Hambury. Hardaker acquitted.

Went to No 9 and found everything correct.

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