Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

7 April (contd)
was expected. A Divisional inspection was taking place on winch road.
Went to 8th Coy’s new camp at Vlam with Bateman. Inspected offices and huts. Arranged that camouflaged ground sheets should be used for balloon bed. Visited No 15 and examined their parachute cases (TypeC). The pull off was just off 100lbs and I advised that the spring round the cap should be stretched until the pull off was down to 70lbs. Report to be made to me when that was done.
Saw one of our T E machines hit by hostile anti aircraft and set on fire. It fell just South of Kemmell.
8 April 1917.
Easter Sunday. Beautiful day. Little wind and splendid view. Balloons were all day and good work done.
Engaged in morning reporting Hostile balloons. Saw one burnt at E13 sheet 28, by No 1 Squadron.
Went to No 25 and 9 Sections in afternoon. Also 6th Balloon Co HQ.
Everything in order.
Considerable hostile aerial activity