Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

16 April 1917
Fine day, not much wind, misty.
Had sore throat and did not go out.
No ballooning.
Panter’s friend Henderson dined here.
Col dined at 5th Coy HQ.
Montague Smith went to Hospital.
17 April 1917
Very windy day. Gale at times. No ballooning.
Went to No 5 Sectn in morning and took Church to X Corps at Aberle to see about material for No 32’s winch road. On arrival at 15 Section, heard No 32’s balloon was giving trouble. Went straight to No 32 and found balloon rather slack. Put 29 tubes in her and bagged her down well by the stern.
Lunched with Higman at 6th Coy at 4pm.
Visited No 9 Section and had tea there. Found everything in order.
No 23 rang up at 10pm to say their balloon was leaking. Suggested it was due to sudden drop in temperature and advised them to tie valve top and bottom. No leak was found.