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of Drachen balloon. Total lifting power 887 pounds in ballast. Cacquot balloon inflated with air and altered valve line adjustments made.

Harding informed me that RFC HQ had given permission for winch P 97 to be returned to No 23 Sectn. In exchange for P71. Lifting power of No 15’s balloon 909lbs. No 23 887lbs.

Total lifting power 887 pounds in ballast.

Cacquot balloon inflated with air and altered valve line adjustments made.

Harding informed me that RFC HQ had given permission for winch P 97 to be returned to No 23 Sectn. In exchange for P71. Lifting power of No 15’s balloon 909lbs. No 23 887lbs.


27 Febry 1917

Sunny morning but still very foggy. No ballooning.

Sergt Mulletand Corpl Sawyer (No 2) went to No 15 at 9am and fitted a valve line alteration to their new Cacquot balloon.

I went over there and superintended work.

2MS Hart arrived from No 9 about 12 and examined the work which passed as satisfactory. He made final adjustments. 2/3rd of old balloon gas transferred to new balloon and about ....tubes put in to top up. Stringer was there too. Balloon bagged down.


28 Febry 1917

Went to No 23 with Stringer. Their new balloon was inflated with air and valve alteration commenced at 9am by 2MS Hart.

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