Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones
25th Apl (contd)
Reported to Cullin urgency of rollers and tappets for Lancia Chassis. He informed me that it would have to be withdrawn.
Newton reported that we need not return winter clothing until we hear from him.
26 Apl 1917
Dull in morning but fair view. Very good view in afternoon. Balloons up all day. No wind.
No 15 Sectn made mistake about tubes. 35 empties nit sent in to Bailleul. Went to RTO at Bailleul and traced matter out.
Visited No 2 Sectn and lent them four groundsheets on which to inflate BMS 33 (spare balloon) Inspected balloon inside and tested valve.
Went to No 15 and found Matthews was to blame for tubes.
No 38 and 39 Sections arrived ast Town Major’s Office at Poperinghe at 7pm. They came in on their own transport.
27th Apl 1917
Dull day and no view.
E.O's meeting held this morning.
Explained to 3 EOs present that each man must have a P4 Gas Helmet