Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

10 May 1917
Hot sunny day. No view.
Went to 6th Coy and No 9 min morning. Brought back balloon valve and French acetylene gas tube. Took latter to 38.
Inspected 6th Coy’s dud tender and instructed Mason to send in report.
Discussed use of twin cable from balloon with Higman. He did not advocate it.
Went to 10th Coy and delivered serviceable valve.
Called at 25 Sectn and discussed possible causes of their balloon losing its lift with Lee.
Ascertained No 25 had new parachute yesterday. Instructed then to return unserviceable one.
Visited No 38 and left acetylene gas tubes. Mason informed me English acetylene gas tubes were now quite satisfactory for Lighthouse
Genl Ramsey went up in No 2’s balloon.
Winch P97 returned to AD.
11 May 1917
Very hot still day. Poor view.
Balloons up in afternoon.
No 15 reported their balloon BMS19 would not lift off the ground this morning. On examination it