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Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

12 July 1917
Hot hazy day. Poor view all balloons up in afternoon including 11th Coy.
Remains of 3 burnt balloons and 6 parachutes sent to 1AD. BMA 11 (No 22 Sectn) inflated with 161 tubes. Over 1000 empty tubes despatched and 1000 full ones collected from dump.
Visited dump.
13 July 1917
Hot day. Misty in morning. Fair view in afternoon.
All balloons up.
Went to No 32 and examined Delahaye winch, which was satisfactory. The balloon was tested on the winch, which hauled down quite well on 2nd speed with a tension of 300 kilos.
Instructed No 33 to return their Scammell winch to 1 AD sometime today without fail.
No 9 was shelled in the air and telephone wire cut. Bolitho and Jolly descended by parachute.
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