Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

6th August contd
examined. All satisfactory.
My leave coming on 13th.
Went to dump at 6.10 pm and found NCO out and men playing cards.
Called at 25 Section and inspected Lewis Gun and discussed possible mounting.
7th August 1917
Dull day. No view. No ballooning.
Martyn called here in morning and we visited 7th Coy and inspected Yoke mounting for Lewis Gun. Martyn arranged to try to obtain 16 of these mountings for our new guns.
Lunched at 5th Coy. Inspected “Isolation men” and camp. Went to Pop with Blot. Visited No 32 and 9. Dined at No 9.
8th August 1917
Hot muggy day. No ballooning. Bad thunderstorm in evening.
Cols Wise and Cleaver called after lunch. Accompanied them to 11th Coy and from there to No 9 Sectn. Called at No 32 Sectn and inspected new Delahaye Winch. It was too tight in the bearings to start it by hand and it had