Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

10th September 1917
Thick fog in morning but view improved in afternoon. All balloons up and a few targets done.
Large 1000 cubic metre balloon R 1421 (No 32 Sectn) inflated with 190 tubes and in air.
Balloon BMS 90 (No 47 Sectn) hit by shell fire and came down nearly deflated. All gas lost.
Two Silicol plants (1 from 5th and one from 6th Coy) had to be returned to AD tomorrow.
Stringer slept here. He inspected large balloon.
11th September 1917
Fine hot day. All balloons up in afternoon. Fair view.
Major Neame arrived at No 1 Squadron in an aeroplane at 11.15am I took him to Dickiebusch tube dump and No 38 Section in morning. We inspected BMS 156(No 38).
Neame lunched here and went with me to No 2, 25, and 32. At the latter we looked at large balloon which was working quite satisfactorily. Two Observers and 8 bags went up to 5200ft.
Two Silicol plants returned