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The leg was bandaged and I was put to bed.



9th Dec 1917

My leg was X Rayed today and it was found I had a spiral fracture of the lower end of FIBULA, right leg, my leg was put in a splint.



10th Dec  1917


17th Dec  1917


Went down to Wimereux by Hospital train and was admitted to No 5 British Red Cross Hospital (Lady Hadfields) Remained there till 17th December.



17th Dec 1917

Left No 5 B R C Hospital in ambulance at 5.30 am and was taken to Boulogne and put on board Hospital Ship St Dennis. (St Denis) She should have sailed today for Dover but owing to a strong wind she did not put to sea.



18th Dec 1917

Still on board S S St Dennis. (St Denis) Not sailing today owing to a submarine being in the Channel.



19th Dec 1917


25th Febry 1918

We sailed from Boulogne at 12.30 and reached Dover about

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