Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

7 MON.
Windy day in morning. I went to Bailleul with CO and Gregg to lecture by Bovill. Balloon did not go up. Kelly left.
Too windy for balloon in morning. Went up in afternoon with Bell 30 mile wind. Fairly rough. Reported enemy flares. View fair.
Up 1 hr, 4 to 5pm.
9 WED.
Spent most of day at new balloon bed making entrance bed for balln. Balln up nearly all day. No wind and view fairly good . Rather hazy.
10 THUR.
Windy nothing doing. Laval 2in gun fired from Newe Eglise. 860 lb projectile. Engd all day at new bed. At 10 pm 12in gun fired 5 rounds at Wervics. Shook mess, brought down plaster from ceiling. Put Barograph in order.
11 FRI.
Very windy. No ballooning. Service in evening. Orderly Officer.
Bad cold. 2 letters from B.
12 SAT.
Too much wind for balloon. Busy all day at new bed. Rained.
13 SUN.6th after Epiphany.
Too much wind in morning. All morning at new bed Balloon went up at 3pm. I went up alone. Very gusty and rough passage. Bad view. Learned country. Hun aeroplane came for balloon. Our Anti Aircraft opened fire and nearly hit balloon. Shells passed within a few feet. I was hauled down. 3 British aeroplanes chased Hun but he escaped untouched and I went up again at 5pm.