Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones
21 MON.
Inflated balloon at new bed. Fine day Wind 9m/H E. Made trial ascent from new balloon bed in afternoon. Bell, Sharp and Jimmy. Horses very frightened. Difficult to manipulate balloon owing to wind. I was orderly Officer. First to sleep in new Guard Tent. Awfully cold. Frozen hard. Heavy firing going on all night. Buchanan arrived about 5.30pm.
22 TUES.
Snowing and very cold. C O returned from leave last night. Told me this morning to understudy Executive Officer and Balloon Officer. This will mean a good lift up for me, I hope.
23 WED.
Hard frost last night snowing all day. No ballooning, very little doing. Men gave concert at Plorgstreet. Walked to Steenwerk with Buchanan in afternoon.
24 THUR.
Intensely cold. More snow. 13 degrees of frost last night. Balloon covered with snow and frozen stiff. Jimmy down with flu. Went to bed at 11am. I am doing his Orderly Officer. Rather freezing night at Guard Tent.
25 FRI.
Snowing and freezing. Went for long walk with Buchanan. Had photo taken at Steenwerck. Feeling ill. Went to bed at 9pm. Guard kept my fire alight all night. Jimmy taken to hospital with flu.
26 SAT
Expect I‘ve got flu. Feel awfully bad. CO told me to go to Pop in his car. Just before I started Bell took my tempt. 102. Sent to bed. Dr sent for. Dr came. At my request advised me to remain in hut. Feeling very bad and awfully tired.
27 SUN. Sexagesima.
Temp 101, feeling much better. Could not sleep last night. 9.2 gun firing at intervals all night. Frightfully cold. Guard made up fire every 2 hours. Brought plenty of snow in on their boots. Floor rugs were sopping wet this morning. Roof and side of hut sopping wet inside caused by heat from hut thawing snow. Sat up in a chair for an hour Hear we are moving to Pop, on Tuesday.