Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones
5 MON. Windy day no ballooning
6 TUES. Windy day. Balloons up part of day.
7 WED. Windy day balloons up twice but hauled down on a/c of wind. Raffles, Bolitho and I dined with Wilkins at Mont Rouge. Met Cinnermine (Egertons late manager) Demistrain. All of us had been in Colchester and knew it well.
8 THUR. Still day balloons up all day. Bolitho and I went to Squadron and collected Indents. Straf about lorry. Lunched at Squadron. Balloons up in evening. Heavy train movements observed N of Foret di Houthulst. Attack on Belgians N of us anticipated.
9 FRI. Stormy day. Orders to report to Squadron H Q and take over Capt Warren’s job as Squadron E O during his absence in hospital. Arrived at lunch time. Went with Warren to Hazebruck. Visited 2nd army aircraft park. Dined at R F C mess. Retd to Squadron at 11pm. Raffles and others playing poker.
10 SAT. Windy and stormy day. Visited no 9 Sectn with Major MacNeece. Stopped to tea. Inspected their stores, transport etc. They were ballooning from our old ground behind Nieppe.
11 SUN. Whit Sunday. Thick misty day. 4 men injured in no 4 Sectn by bomb explosion. Some bombs were bought from a Frenchman. One was dropped and went off. No serious injuries. 2 men detained in hospital. Col Longcroft ordered Court of Enquiry. Major MacNeece and I went over. I was detailed as member of Court and evidence taken and sent to 11 Wing HQ.Gecke. Dined at no 9 Sectn. Very merry evening.