Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

14 MON. Dull day, much cooler.
Took Thornton in to see Major Cameron at Hazebruck. Gavin, Thornton, Capt Lee and I lunched at Fancon. Bought picture in --- for 3 Frs. Had tea in H. No ballooning all day. Wins SW. Brought back stores.
The King was quite close here today. The Major saw him. He went to top of Schenpenberg.
15 TUE. Dull cold day. No view in morning.
O’Connell was fetched from Wing and I took him to No 9 Sectn after lunch. Stayed there to tea. Major went to No 4 K B Squadron and sat up for him till 12.30, but he had not returned. Wrote letters and read Colchester paper. Played cricked before dinner. No ballooning.
16 WED. Went to No 2 for lunch. Lovelock called for me at 12pm just as I was leaving. Cleaver and Parker turned up. They had lunch at No 2 Sectn and I took them up to Squadron.
Major sent me to No 15 to enquire who was responsible for chute leather seizing this morning. Metalic v nearly drawn into winch. Found 1st A M Page was to blame and reptd it to Major.
17 THUR. Major decided to Court Martial Page. We went down to No 15 directly after breakfast. Russell held preliminary enquiry, at which I gave evidence. Major tried him afterwards when I again gave evidence. He was sentenced to 7 days Field Punishment No 2.
Dined at No 15 with Raffles and Watkins and afterwards went to concert given by Princess Pat Light Infantry at Renninghelat. Very good.
18 FRI. Sunny morning, went to St Cicele near Camieres with AM’s Dear and Murphy. They were doing machine gun course there.
Had lovely bathe after lunch. Left here about 10 am, arrive there about 2 Left Boulogne 6.15 pm arrived here at 8.45 pm. Went in tender all the way. One heavy shower. Bought wish-bone brooch for Brenda 2/s.
19 SAT. Wet windy day.
Went to Hazebruck in afternoon with Raffles and took fortnight’s indents. New A/C there Robertson by name, a friend of Raffles. Had tea with Burnett. Bought tomatoes grapes and melon.
20 SUN. 9th after Trinity. Windy, showery day. Russell came up in morning and said he had lost two passes. Went down to No 15 and made new ones. Had no lunch. Dearie requested tender to go to ASC sports. Unable to oblige.