Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

4 MON. Wet dull day. Went to no 15 in morning. No ballooning.
5 TUES. Very wet windy day.
Went to Hazebruck with Raffles and Owen in afternoon. Called at Tina’s on way back and had bottle of “fizzy.” Russell and Higman, Raffles and Owen lunched here. No ballooning.
6 WED. Fine day, sunny and fair view. All balloon up ay 1pm. Went to No15 with stores, then to No2 and afterwards to No9. Lunched at No9. Saw 2MSHart at Locre Hospital. Much better.
Locre bombed at 10pm. Major and I were walking after dinner and suddenly 4 bombs dropped about ½ a mile away.
7 THUR. Fine day. Sunny and good view. Balloon up from 12. Each Sectn sent an Officer up to Squadron with their compass for testing purposes, in which I joined.
Went to Bailleul in evening and took breeches to be repaired. Major dined at No15 and I dined here alone.
8 FRI. Dull. Cold morning.
Major went to Barley with Bradshaw and brought back Bolitho. I went to Hazebruck in afternoon for stores. Bush had just been made a Capt. Balloons went up about tea time, but the view was bad.
9 SAT. Hot day, but no view and very misty. Went to No15 in morning and then to No2 and afterwards to No9. Lunch at No9 and took Gavin in to Hazebruck in afternoon. Had bottle of fizz with Gavin.
10 SUN. 12th after Trinity. Very misty all day. No ballooning.
Went to 15 with stores and took Gavin (no2) to lunch there. Had tea at No9 and took Gavin over with me. Bad kink discovered in N02’s cable. 500ft had to be cut off.