Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones
6 MON. My leave officially commences today. Very windy and wet. Boat did not sail owing to mines in Channel. Spent whole day in Boulogne. One whole day of my leave lost. Not allowed to take extensions granted to every other Officer.
7 TUE. Very wet raining day. After considerable doubt boat sailed. Terrible crossing everyone ill. Gavin and I were quite happy. Took 3 hours crossing, held up outside Folkestone for ¾ of an hour. Arrived home at 6.30pm.
8 WED. Fine day still plenty of wind.
Enjoying my leave very much. Found Pen grown and much improved. Very pleased with her. Went to Colchester in afternoon.
9 THUR. Leave. Went to Colchester in car in morning. Saw Govenor in Office. Very grumpy and seemed displeased to see me. Lovely day.
10 FRI. Leave. Beautiful day. Went to Colchester in morning and called at Cloisters. Saw the Judge. Tried to get back via Chitts Hill, road under water. Likewise Oil Mill Road.
11 SAT. Leave. Lovely day. Hawkins and I shot over Capt Kelso’s land. Bag 14 pheasants, 4 partridges, 2 rabbits and 1 Snipe. Saw a lot of Snipe.
12 SUN. 21st after Trinity. Leave. Beautiful day.
Went to Church in morning with Brenda. Car broke down coming back. Had to tow it home with one of Hawkins’s horses.
Returned to London by 5.52pm train, en route for France. Wilby drove me to Station.