Up In The Air
The World War I Diaries of Balloonist Cyril Gordon Jones

20 MON. Windy day but very foggy. No ballooning.
Col Murphy rang up and told me our new Adjt was at Wing. He was very surprised and General was too. I sent car in for him. Awfully nice chap. Capt Campbell by name. Dined at No15.
21 TUE. Still day. Very foggy all day. No ballooning. Tender went to Hazebruck for stores. I went to No9 in afternoon with Campbell. Had tea there.
Dr Bailey RFC HQ examined Raffles and Herbert.
22 WED. Still day. Very misty, no ballooning. Stringer lunched here. Church and Higman went on 13 days leave.
23 THUR. Misty in morning, fair view in afternoon. All balloons up. 2 targets done. Dined at 23. Heard Raffles was transferred to Home Establishment.
24 FRI. Very windy foggy day. No ballooning.
Walked to Dickiebusch with Campbell in morning. Raffles had tea here. Wilkins came in after dinner and stopped till 12!!
25 SAT. Very wet day.
Heard Trenchard was visiting Sections tomorrow. Busy morning making all arrangements. Raffles went to Home Establishment.
26 SUN. 23rd after Trinity. Got up at 6am and visited Section before breakfast. Trenchard came at 12 and inspected No2 Sectn. Everything satisfactory. All balloons up. Fair view in morning. Did Ground Officer for No 2 in evening during night ascent.